Does your 6.0 have any of the following:
These are the symptoms of a blown or leaking STC fitting. The difficult job for the owner of the truck is knowing if this fitting is the cause of your symptoms as this part shows no visible leaks when needing repair, the part is internal on top of engine. |
The job of the STC fitting is to supply high pressure oil to injectors between high pressure pump and branch tube.
Most common result of blown STC fitting is no start. 3200 psi from pump can blow the original 2 piece fitting off.
If you're lucky and replace the fitting before it leaves you stranded then the typical replacement of the STC fitting requires:
Remove turbo, intake manifold, remove high pressure oil pump cover, remove pump and fitting.
Replace STC fitting and align with installation tool.
Reinstall pump with new fitting.
Install manifold and turbo.
Usually our shop will charge 6-8 hours for this job alone. Our labor will include any other updates that are due in the same area, if they have not already been preformed. Other updates to consider for the 6.0 are the turbo oil feed and drain line.
Replacement or reseal of oil cooler and oil pressure sending unit can add 1-2 hours of labor.
For this STC fitting job, the results were the exception.
A customers' 6.0 died at stoplight and wouldn’t start. The truck was towed in to MDS.
Mechanic hooked up our scan tool to diagnose no start. The oil pressure was not building to the minimum required starting pressure of 500psi.
Tore down top of engine and found STC fitting was blown. Really, really blown. So bad it left it's imprint on the rear cover of the engine.
Most common result of blown STC fitting is no start. 3200 psi from pump can blow the original 2 piece fitting off.
If you're lucky and replace the fitting before it leaves you stranded then the typical replacement of the STC fitting requires:
Remove turbo, intake manifold, remove high pressure oil pump cover, remove pump and fitting.
Replace STC fitting and align with installation tool.
Reinstall pump with new fitting.
Install manifold and turbo.
Usually our shop will charge 6-8 hours for this job alone. Our labor will include any other updates that are due in the same area, if they have not already been preformed. Other updates to consider for the 6.0 are the turbo oil feed and drain line.
Replacement or reseal of oil cooler and oil pressure sending unit can add 1-2 hours of labor.
For this STC fitting job, the results were the exception.
A customers' 6.0 died at stoplight and wouldn’t start. The truck was towed in to MDS.
Mechanic hooked up our scan tool to diagnose no start. The oil pressure was not building to the minimum required starting pressure of 500psi.
Tore down top of engine and found STC fitting was blown. Really, really blown. So bad it left it's imprint on the rear cover of the engine.
So, for this job MDS had to add some additional steps and quite a bit of labor to take care of this STC fitting.
Total time for this job was 19-20 hours on a 2 wheel drive Ford.
The transmission and flexplate had to be removed to gain access to the rear cover bolts to replace and reseal the cover.
4 wheel drive would add time to remove the additional drive shaft and transfer case.
Total time for this job was 19-20 hours on a 2 wheel drive Ford.
The transmission and flexplate had to be removed to gain access to the rear cover bolts to replace and reseal the cover.
4 wheel drive would add time to remove the additional drive shaft and transfer case.
The original STC fitting went from 2 piece to a solid fitting. An early update added a metal bracket to the fitting. This has been sperceded by the one piece fitting.
Oil feed line originally had braided steel section and new line is solid metal pipe. Turbo drain is now larger for faster/non-restricted flow of oil
Oil feed line originally had braided steel section and new line is solid metal pipe. Turbo drain is now larger for faster/non-restricted flow of oil